Everest News.
Agency, Another Catholic Church Burns in Morinville, “Alberta”, for a Total of 6 Churches being Consumed by Fire this month in so-called Canada[Morinville, so-called Alberta] St. Jean Baptiste Catholic Church burned to ashes in Morinville, just outside of Edmonton, so-called Alberta, early this morning. The fire took place days after the announcement of 715 unmarked graves were uncovered at a Saskatchewan Residential School, and one month after a mass grave of 215 indigenous children were found at Kamloops Residential School in so-called British Colombia. Another 182 unmarked graves were in announced to have been uncovered at St. Eugene’s Residential School near Cranbrook, so-called British Columbia, earlier today (1)This is the sixth Church to have been burned in the last few weeks.Indigenous children were forceably removed from their communities by the officials of the Canadian state in conjunction with the Church for over a century under the Indian Residential School Policy. The last school closed in 1996.
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