1.You wasting your potential- We are born with potential but most people don’t use it at all.
2. You are aimless- Without goals, you will feel useless and unaccomplished.
3. You have no results and time is running out- Words are empty without deeds and results.
4. Your personality is not integrated and developed- Work on your personality is essential.
5. You are indecisive- You need to choose your life path and stick to it.
6. You start things but don’t finish them- The vast majority of people are good to start something but bad to finish it.
7. You don’t invest your time- Time is the most valuable resource, you can invest or waste it.
8. You don’t know who you are- Identity crises make you unaccomplished.
9. You don’t live your life, you barely exist- Don’t be afraid of life, live it.
We are born with potential, it is our duty to fulfill them. No one can do it instead of us.
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